Saturday, September 03, 2005

Giving and Receiving

God has given us such precious gifts...the gift of God's own son, the gift of eternal life, and the gift of the promise of God's kingdom present in the here and now. Can we graciously receive that which God has given us and isn't it time that we begin to graciously give back to God?

Yesterday, I was thinking about an old saying, "It is better to give than to receive." I realized that this old adage is part of today's attitude problems. In a society that uplifts power and wealth, the ability to give is associated with being successful. Having to receive is associated with the lack of success. I wonder how this plays out today when thousands of people are now out of work and homeless due to the hurricanes.

How difficult will it be for people to receive the gifts given by so many? How difficult will it be for the leaders of this nation who believe we are the strongest and the best to receive gifts from the world?

Do we give because it makes us feel important? Do we look down on those who give? Will our attitudes make it difficult for others to receive with their heads held high? I wonder if being a gracious giver, with no strings attached, from the motive of pure love, will help us to be gracious receivers in our time of need?

God has given us so many precious gifts...the gift of God's own son, the gift of eternal life, and the gift of the promise of God's kingdom present in the here and now. How can we graciously use that which God has given and isn't it time that we begin to graciously give back to God?

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