Tuesday, November 01, 2005


My alarm went off at 6AM. Actually, no, if truth were to be told, I forgot to set it. But there I was, wide awake at my usual time... 6AM. One would think that would be plenty of time for someone to ready themselves for work that begins at 8:30.

I think part of the problem is that I really don't want to go to work. I enjoy waking up and spending a few minutes while my dogs greet me with a good morning kiss. They love to lay on the backs while I rub their tummies...a good morning massage.

Then it is off to the kitchen door. Their time outside is usually pretty brief because they know that when they come in, food will be the next item on the agenda. I usually have enough time to make a pot of coffee and pour a bowl of cereal or throw a bagel in the toaster while they are out.

Most times, I am able to fold a load of laundry or put the dishes in the dishwasher away. When my breakfast is done and the girls are finished eating, they know exactly where we are going next. Ginny usually races ahead of me, up the stairs, jumping on my computer chair. She figures it is a good place to be since I always eat my breakfast here while I read my email. The best part for her is when I get interupted and have to leave the room for a moment. When I return, her little face is right in my breakfast dish....oh well, I really didn't want to eat it all anyway.

I don't know what it is about my morning ritual, but the time just seems to slip through my fingers. Like right now...I am already five minutes passed the time that I should be jumping in the shower.

Oh how illusive time is! It seems the more I have, the faster it flows through my hands...not like sand in an hourglass, but more like the rushing water of a Tsunami. As I get older, and my minutes here on earth become fewer and fewer.....why does it seem that time slips away faster and faster?


Old Garden Woman said...

"If I could save time in a bottle, and dreams could make wishes come true,,,,"

As I read your post, that's the song I thought of. Time is the elusive butterfly of life...fleeting faster with everyday. Your morning, though fleeting, sounds glorious in its embracing and loving ritual. Huggles to your morning :)

Old Garden Woman said...

Did you ever think that it is because you have so much less time for play and relaxation? Yeah, you probaly know that already, as you live it...